How Do Ticks Find A Host?

how do ticks find a host

The tick population has witnessed a tremendous explosion in the United States over the past two decades, as have a plethora of myths with it! Some people believe that pests tend to follow the scent of blood, or they fall off the trees. All myths, but how do ticks find a host? Well, they can … Read more

What Does A Tick Nest Look Like

what does a tick nest look like

Female ticks need blood so that the eggs can develop inside the female tick’s body. After mating with a male (this happens on the host), the female tick simply drops off its host to lay its eggs on the ground. Depending on the species of tick, the parasite can lay up to 3,000 eggs, which … Read more

Ticks Are On The Rise

ticks invade and spread to new places

According to the U.S. Center for Disease Control, the tick population is increasing with every passing year. This is concerning, as their bites can cause allergic reactions while transmitting disease. Lyme disease is very often the usual suspect, but other diseases such as STARI and ehrlichiosis have been known recently to spread through tick bites. … Read more

Do Ticks Fall From Trees

do ticks fall from trees 

The question always arises when it comes to ticks “do ticks fall from trees?” The short answer: No, ticks don’t fall from trees. A walk under trees hardly poses a risk of a tick falling on you. To fall from a tree, the ticks would first have to climb up. This is far too energy-consuming, … Read more

What Is The Best Essential Oil To Repel Ticks

What Is The Best Essential Oil To Repel Ticks

Without plants, there would be no life on Earth. Plants produce oxygen that we breathe and plants are the basis of the food chain. Only plants can convert water and sunlight and minerals from the soil into plant material and fruit – food that all non-plant life depends on. But in addition to green leaves … Read more

What’s A Tick Look Like And What Do Tick Bites Look Like?

A tick looks like a tiny spider-like animal with a small round body and eight legs. Ticks are ectoparasites, living on the skin of a host. They do bite a host to drink blood which they need to grow and reproduce. Ticks can be carriers of a number of dangerous diseases that may spread to … Read more

How To Get A Tick Head Out?

how to get tick out

If you notice that you have been bitten by a tick, you should remove it as soon as possible. The longer the tick remains in the wound, the higher the risk of transmitting diseases. Unfortunately,  occasionally a part of the tick breaks off during tick removal, and the head apparently remains stuck in the wound. … Read more

Geraniol Natural Repellent Against Ticks, Fleas An Mosquitos


Geraniol is an essential oil, a natural compound that many plants produce. It can act as an attractant as well as a repellent against plant-feeding insects. Because it repels ticks, mosquitoes, fleas, and other biting pests, it is used as a natural repellent to protect people and pets from parasites. Geraniol is also widely used … Read more

What Eats Ticks?

do mantis eat ticks

There are lots of animals that eat ticks, eating and being eaten is part of life in the animal kingdom. Ticks are eaten by predatory insects and spiders, ground-living birds that eat ticks, small tick-eating mammals, amphibians, reptiles, and even fish eat ticks should one falls into the water. There are more animals that eat … Read more

What Are Ticks Good For?

what are ticks good for

Ticks have quite a bad image. They are blood-sucking parasites that infect humans and animals and can also transmit nasty diseases through their bites. It is not easy to see whether they are of any use, and what their role is in nature. So the question arises: “Why are they even there?” or “What are … Read more