What Eats Ticks?

do mantis eat ticks

There are lots of animals that eat ticks, eating and being eaten is part of life in the animal kingdom. Ticks are eaten by predatory insects and spiders, ground-living birds that eat ticks, small tick-eating mammals, amphibians, reptiles, and even fish eat ticks should one falls into the water. There are more animals that eat … Read more

Cat Shampoo -Do You Need To Bathe Cats?

bath cats

Cat Shampoo By Darryl Brooks Cats can be some of the cleanest pets you can own, but that doesn’t mean that they can’t benefit from a nice bath with a good cat shampoo from time to time. No matter how clean your cat keeps itself, occasionally, it will get into a mess that simple grooming … Read more

Tick Dragging – How To Check Your Yard For Ticks

check your yard for ticks

by Christina Coruth Is your yard infested with ticks? The tick drag and the tick flag are just the tools you need to answer that question. With a few inexpensive items, you can make your own tick drag and tick flag in a snap. Using them is as easy as walking through your yard. When … Read more

What Are Ticks Good For?

what are ticks good for

Ticks have quite a bad image. They are blood-sucking parasites that infect humans and animals and can also transmit nasty diseases through their bites. It is not easy to see whether they are of any use, and what their role is in nature. So the question arises: “Why are they even there?” or “What are … Read more

Picaridin vs DEET – Which Bug Repellent Is Better?

picaridin vs deet

The synthetic insect repellents Picaridin and DEET are among the most commonly used insect repellents. And with good reason, as these man-made bug repellents are the most effective at repelling ticks, mosquitoes, and many other biting parasites. When directly comparing Picaridin vs DEET, DEET seems to provide slightly better protection but comes with the downside … Read more

What Is Picaridin? Has Picaridin Side Effects?

Anopheles, What Is Picaridin?

Picaridin is an effective repellent that protects against insects and ticks. Repellents containing picaridin are applied directly to the skin. The active ingredients evaporate slowly and form a protective shield around the wearer. This smells really bad for most insects and has a repelling and deterring effect that keeps them away. It is effective against mosquitoes, … Read more

Flea And Tick Shampoo For Dogs

bathing dog best smelling dog shampoo

Dogs are constantly bothered by various parasites, such as fleas or lice. Grooming and hygiene are important in order to control and prevent infestation. The right dog shampoo can help. Dog shampoo has skin-caring and anti-parasitic properties to protect the pet from the little annoying and itchy pests. But what do you have to pay … Read more

How Long Does A Tick Bite Last?

how long does a tick bite last

In comparison to a mosquito bite or a bee sting, in which the actual biting or stinging of the insects is quickly over, a tick bite takes much longer. And unlike a bee or wasp sting, which is immediately noticeable and can usually be very painful, the tick bite is painless and is hardly noticed. The … Read more

How To Remove A Tick From A Person

how to remove a tick from a person

If you spend a lot of time outdoors in nature, despite all precautionary measures and good bug repellents, you can still get bitten by a tick. When bitten, it is most important to remove a tick as soon as possible to lower the risk of the transfer of dangerous viruses or bacteria. How To Remove … Read more

What Is Flumethrin And How Does It Work?

what is flumethrin

Dogs and cats can easily pick up ticks and other ectoparasites (little crawlies living on skin and fur) that can transmit diseases to our pets. Preventing tick infestation concerns every responsible pet owner to protect our pets from tick-borne diseases. Spot-on treatments or flea and tick collars are a practical method of tick protection. A … Read more