How Do Ticks Find A Host?

how do ticks find a host

The tick population has witnessed a tremendous explosion in the United States over the past two decades, as have a plethora of myths with it! Some people believe that pests tend to follow the scent of blood, or they fall off the trees. All myths, but how do ticks find a host? Well, they can … Read more

When Are Ticks Most Active?

when are ticks active

Ticks live all over the world in all climate zones except the arctic. The times when ticks are active depend on the geographic occurrence of the tick. Ticks can only be active when the weather is warm enough and a certain temperature has been reached as they cannot generate their own body temperature. When the … Read more

What Does A Tick Nest Look Like

what does a tick nest look like

Female ticks need blood so that the eggs can develop inside the female tick’s body. After mating with a male (this happens on the host), the female tick simply drops off its host to lay its eggs on the ground. Depending on the species of tick, the parasite can lay up to 3,000 eggs, which … Read more

Does Bug Spray Work On Ticks?

does bug spray work on ticks

Here is the short answer: Yes, bug spray works on ticks. If you want to know more about how all this works, here is the detailed answer, why and how does bug spray work on ticks? We’re talking here about “bug spray for people” here, not household bug spray such as Raid or similar, these … Read more

Insects That Look Like Ticks

Not everything that looks like a tick is a tick! There are a lot of other small insects that may be mistaken for ticks. Especially the very small tick larvae may easily look like some tiny beetles or freshly hatched spiders. How do you tell these tick lookalikes apart from real ticks? It is much … Read more

Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus – Tick And Bug Repellent

Fearing the adverse side effects of synthetic tick repellents, more people are turning to organic repellents derived from plants. The Australian lemon-scented gum tree provides such a highly effective natural repellent. There are two variants that are made from the leaves of the tree with varied chemical compositions. One is pure Lemon eucalyptus essential oil … Read more

What Are Tick Tubes? Are They Effective?

Tick tubes are cardboard tubes stuffed with permethrin-coated cotton. Permethrin is a natural pesticide found in chrysanthemum flowers which is very effective against ticks. Mice find the treated cotton in tick tubes and take it to their nests to use as bedding. The permethrin on the cotton from the tick tubes kills the ticks. This … Read more

American Dog Tick

Dermacentor variabilis, the American Dog Tick belongs to the large family of Ixodidae, ticks with a hard shell. The species is native to the United States of America and occurs primarily in the eastern two-thirds of the country. The preferred host of adult ticks are dogs, occasionally cats or humans are bitten. Larvae and nymphs … Read more

Ticks Are On The Rise

ticks invade and spread to new places

According to the U.S. Center for Disease Control, the tick population is increasing with every passing year. This is concerning, as their bites can cause allergic reactions while transmitting disease. Lyme disease is very often the usual suspect, but other diseases such as STARI and ehrlichiosis have been known recently to spread through tick bites. … Read more

Deer Tick – Black Legged Tick

What Does A Deer Tick Look Like

The deer tick, also known as the blackleg tick (Ixodes scapularis), is a small arachnid of the Ixodidae family. It is a common species of tick found in various parts of North America, particularly in wooded and grassy areas. The name “deer tick” comes from the common association with deer, as these ticks are commonly … Read more