What Are Ticks And How Does A Tick Bite Look

what are ticks, what repels ticks

Ticks belong to the family of spiders (arachnids), an adult tick has 8 legs. Insects have 6 legs and may have wings too. There are over 800 species of ticks known worldwide. Ticks are ectoparasites (living on instead of inside a host). They need to feed on the blood of mammals, birds, and sometimes reptiles and … Read more

Flea Vs Tick- How Do They Differ?

Fleas Vs Ticks- How Do They Differ

Fleas and Ticks are the nightmares of every pet owner, little blood-sucking pests that bother our four-legged friends. They are a constant problem and you need to take care so your pet does not get infested with fleas or ticks. Unfortunately, it can happen everywhere as they are so common. Fleas, when in contact with … Read more