American Dog Tick

Dermacentor variabilis, the American Dog Tick belongs to the large family of Ixodidae, ticks with a hard shell. The species is native to the United States of America and occurs primarily in the eastern two-thirds of the country. The preferred host of adult ticks are dogs, occasionally cats or humans are bitten. Larvae and nymphs … Read more

Deer Tick – Black Legged Tick

What Does A Deer Tick Look Like

The deer tick, also known as the blackleg tick (Ixodes scapularis), is a small arachnid of the Ixodidae family. It is a common species of tick found in various parts of North America, particularly in wooded and grassy areas. The name “deer tick” comes from the common association with deer, as these ticks are commonly … Read more

Lone Star Tick

The lone star tick (Amblyomma americanum) receives its name from the unique white-silvery mark on the female’s back. These ticks strike people more often than any other tick class in the southeastern and eastern states. Lone star ticks are widespread in many parts of the USA. They are found mainly in forests with dense undergrowth … Read more

What’s A Tick Look Like And What Do Tick Bites Look Like?

A tick looks like a tiny spider-like animal with a small round body and eight legs. Ticks are ectoparasites, living on the skin of a host. They do bite a host to drink blood which they need to grow and reproduce. Ticks can be carriers of a number of dangerous diseases that may spread to … Read more

Why Are There More Ticks Every Year?

Why Are There More Ticks Every Year

A changing climate has widespread ramifications for human health. Heatwaves, extreme weather, crop failure, and wildfire all threaten human communities. Our ecosystems are changing rapidly as a result. Perhaps most insidious, however, is the incredible effect warming temperatures have on the populations of pests. From locusts to mosquitoes, our most damaging pests will be able … Read more

Brown Dog Tick

The brown dog tick (Rhipicephalus sanguineus) or kennel tick is like all ticks a blood-sucking parasite that can transmit dangerous diseases to its host. The Brown Dog Tick originates from North Africa but has spread throughout the world and is now in fact the most widespread tick in the world. The species will probably continue … Read more

How To Use A Tick Hook

A tick hook is a small, practical tool with which ticks can be pulled out of the skin. Tick hooks are available in different sizes, so small nymphs or large ticks can be removed easily. What is A Tick Hook A tick hook looks a little bit like a crowbar. And just like a crowbar, … Read more

How To Get A Tick Head Out?

how to get tick out

If you notice that you have been bitten by a tick, you should remove it as soon as possible. The longer the tick remains in the wound, the higher the risk of transmitting diseases. Unfortunately,  occasionally a part of the tick breaks off during tick removal, and the head apparently remains stuck in the wound. … Read more

Are Tick Bites Dangerous?

Are Tick Bites Dangerous?

Ticks are very common, and many of us have encountered these little 8-legged creatures at some point in our lives. Ticks with their eight legs belong to the group (class) of spiders and not to the insects which have only six legs. They are ectoparasites, creatures that live on the host body and feed on … Read more

Tick Removal Kit

tick removal kit

Whether you’re hiking, camping, or just walking the dog outside, it’s only a matter of time before you come into contact with a tick. After all, ticks are almost everywhere where there is vegetation. They sit on plants, branches, leaves, and blades of grass, waiting for a victim. If a potential host passes close enough, … Read more