Brown Dog Tick

The brown dog tick (Rhipicephalus sanguineus) or kennel tick is like all ticks a blood-sucking parasite that can transmit dangerous diseases to its host. The Brown Dog Tick originates from North Africa but has spread throughout the world and is now in fact the most widespread tick in the world. The species will probably continue … Read more

How To Use A Tick Hook

A tick hook is a small, practical tool with which ticks can be pulled out of the skin. Tick hooks are available in different sizes, so small nymphs or large ticks can be removed easily. What is A Tick Hook A tick hook looks a little bit like a crowbar. And just like a crowbar, … Read more

How To Get A Tick Head Out?

how to get tick out

If you notice that you have been bitten by a tick, you should remove it as soon as possible. The longer the tick remains in the wound, the higher the risk of transmitting diseases. Unfortunately,  occasionally a part of the tick breaks off during tick removal, and the head apparently remains stuck in the wound. … Read more

Are Tick Bites Dangerous?

Are Tick Bites Dangerous?

Ticks are very common, and many of us have encountered these little 8-legged creatures at some point in our lives. Ticks with their eight legs belong to the group (class) of spiders and not to the insects which have only six legs. They are ectoparasites, creatures that live on the host body and feed on … Read more

IR3535 Ethyl-butylacetylaminopropionate (EBAAP)

repellent containing IR3535 Ethyl-butylacetylaminopropionate

Ethyl butylacetylaminopropionate (EBAAP) is an insect repellent sold under the trade name IR3535 (Trademark owned by Merck). It is very effective against ticks, mosquitoes, biting midges, horseflies, fleas, and many other bugs.  Even wasps and bees don’t like the smell and stay away. What is ethyl butylacetylaminopropionate? Ethyl butylacetylaminopropionate is a synthetic amino acid, it … Read more

Beneficial Garden Insects For Organic Gardening

beneficial insects

Insects that feed on crops or decorative plants in our gardens or transmit diseases are often viewed as pests. But insects are not really pests, on the contrary, insects are a fundamental part of the natural balance. Insects occupy many niches in our gardens and perform many important tasks. These beneficial insects pollinate fruits, flowers, … Read more

Tick Removal Kit

tick removal kit

Whether you’re hiking, camping, or just walking the dog outside, it’s only a matter of time before you come into contact with a tick. After all, ticks are almost everywhere where there is vegetation. They sit on plants, branches, leaves, and blades of grass, waiting for a victim. If a potential host passes close enough, … Read more

Where Are Ticks Commonly Found

where are ticks commonly found

Ticks are commonly found all over the world where there are suitable host species. The occurrence of the different species depends on the availability of their respective hosts and on environmental factors such as temperature and air humidity. Most tick species have one or more preferred hosts but can also suck blood from other hosts … Read more

Most Common Ticks in North America

Guide To Common Ticks

Ticks (Ixodida) are tiny parasitic arachnids found all over the world. They prefer warm, humid habitats. Around 900 species of ticks are known worldwide. To date almost 100 species of ticks are known to occur in North America. That number is to increase as new species are occasionally introduced from other continents and then spread. … Read more

Does Lavender Repel Ticks

does lavender repel ticks

Lavender oil has many uses and has been valued by people since ancient times. The Romans used lavender to obtain fragrant bath essences, hence the name of this plant. Lavender is derived from the Latin word “lavare” which means “to wash”. Today the uses of Lavender are many, the young leaves of the plant are … Read more