What’s A Tick Look Like And What Do Tick Bites Look Like?

A tick looks like a tiny spider-like animal with a small round body and eight legs. Ticks are ectoparasites, living on the skin of a host. They do bite a host to drink blood which they need to grow and reproduce. Ticks can be carriers of a number of dangerous diseases that may spread to … Read more

Brown Dog Tick

The brown dog tick (Rhipicephalus sanguineus) or kennel tick is like all ticks a blood-sucking parasite that can transmit dangerous diseases to its host. The Brown Dog Tick originates from North Africa but has spread throughout the world and is now in fact the most widespread tick in the world. The species will probably continue … Read more

Where Are Ticks Commonly Found

where are ticks commonly found

Ticks are commonly found all over the world where there are suitable host species. The occurrence of the different species depends on the availability of their respective hosts and on environmental factors such as temperature and air humidity. Most tick species have one or more preferred hosts but can also suck blood from other hosts … Read more

Most Common Ticks in North America

Guide To Common Ticks

Ticks (Ixodida) are tiny parasitic arachnids found all over the world. They prefer warm, humid habitats. Around 900 species of ticks are known worldwide. To date almost 100 species of ticks are known to occur in North America. That number is to increase as new species are occasionally introduced from other continents and then spread. … Read more

Tick Dragging – How To Check Your Yard For Ticks

check your yard for ticks

by Christina Coruth Is your yard infested with ticks? The tick drag and the tick flag are just the tools you need to answer that question. With a few inexpensive items, you can make your own tick drag and tick flag in a snap. Using them is as easy as walking through your yard. When … Read more

What Are Ticks Good For?

what are ticks good for

Ticks have quite a bad image. They are blood-sucking parasites that infect humans and animals and can also transmit nasty diseases through their bites. It is not easy to see whether they are of any use, and what their role is in nature. So the question arises: “Why are they even there?” or “What are … Read more