Picaridin vs DEET – Which Bug Repellent Is Better?

picaridin vs deet

The synthetic insect repellents Picaridin and DEET are among the most commonly used insect repellents. And with good reason, as these man-made bug repellents are the most effective at repelling ticks, mosquitoes, and many other biting parasites. When directly comparing Picaridin vs DEET, DEET seems to provide slightly better protection but comes with the downside … Read more

What Is Picaridin? Has Picaridin Side Effects?

Anopheles, What Is Picaridin?

Picaridin is an effective repellent that protects against insects and ticks. Repellents containing picaridin are applied directly to the skin. The active ingredients evaporate slowly and form a protective shield around the wearer. This smells really bad for most insects and has a repelling and deterring effect that keeps them away. It is effective against mosquitoes, … Read more

How Long Does A Tick Bite Last?

how long does a tick bite last

In comparison to a mosquito bite or a bee sting, in which the actual biting or stinging of the insects is quickly over, a tick bite takes much longer. And unlike a bee or wasp sting, which is immediately noticeable and can usually be very painful, the tick bite is painless and is hardly noticed. The … Read more

How To Remove A Tick From A Person

how to remove a tick from a person

If you spend a lot of time outdoors in nature, despite all precautionary measures and good bug repellents, you can still get bitten by a tick. When bitten, it is most important to remove a tick as soon as possible to lower the risk of the transfer of dangerous viruses or bacteria. How To Remove … Read more

Tick Facts And Myths

tick facts and myths

There is a lot of false knowledge about ticks. Some have a little fact to it, others are just myths.  You hear myths like ticks fall from trees onto their victims, only forest workers are at risk or ticks can be removed with glue. True is: ticks can be quite dangerous because they can transmit … Read more

Natural Tick Repellent For Humans – Repel Ticks Naturally

natural tick repellent for humans

There are more ticks than ever before, and protection is advisable all year round, because there are more of the little beasts than ever before, and not just in summer anymore. To keep ém away you can choose between natural tick repellent for humans or synthetic products. Synthetic products may contain chemical compounds like DEED, … Read more

Flea Vs Tick – What´s the difference?

Fleas Vs Ticks- How Do They Differ

Fleas and Ticks are the nightmares of every pet owner. Little annoying blood-sucking pests that not only bite our four-legged friends but can also transmit diseases. They are an all too common problem and you always need to think about preventing your pet not to get infested with fleas or ticks. Parasite infestation can easily … Read more